Snapping Turtle (Chelydra serpentina)

This turtle is laying her eggs in the sand of a barrier beach between Lake Ontario and a marsh. These turtles have a low reproductive success rate, so after photographing this mother turtle laying her eggs I contacted the local Conservation Authority  with details of the nest location so that a protective box could be placed over the nest to keep animals that would feast on the unhatched eggs  out and prevent human visitors from accidentally stepping on the nest. 

American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus)

This is probably the most common species of toad found in the eastern USA and Canada. This photo has had the green tones enhanced, typically these toads are more brown in colour. 

American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus)

This is the same species of toad as in the photo above, without any colour manipulation. I see these toads in nearly every forested area I have visited. in Ontario, Canada, however this species is listed as vulnerable in Texas and Louisiana, and critically imperiled in Nebraska. 

Green Iguana (Iguana Iguana)

This iguana lived on the grounds of a hotel in Puerta Vallarta Mexico. 
Several of them live in the trees and can be seen wandering around the grounds, basking in the sun and occasionally scaring the tourists by taking a dip in a pool. 

Common Slider (Trachemys scripta)

This turtle was basking in the sun in a man made pond in Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain. Red-eared sliders like this one are not native to the area, they originate from the south-central and southeastern United States and northern Mexico., but are very common as pets. This one was likely a pet at some time, or descendant of a pet that was released into the pond. Pet turtles should never be released into the wild as they can be carriers of diseases that are not known to the native species, but could harm them. 

Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta)

The Painted Turtle is part of the pond turtle family and the most widespread native North American turtle. 

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